Monday, September 13, 2010

monitor wont stay on, lights go ginger, why is that?

i own compaq mv740 monitor and when i push the the button to turn it on the light go green but within a sec or 2 the oil lamp goes red, i have checked my connections over and over, whats the concord? anyone know?


If you have access to another monitor try it on your laptop. If it works the monitor is bad. If it does equal thing afterwards your video card/port is bad. One will entail to be replaced.
get untried 1 dont fix it it will cost more
could just be within sleep/hibernation mode next time you can seize it to come on have someone check what your settings are, i.e what mode its within pertaining to sleep/standby/hibernation mode my comp. did this until i changed the standby settings. to get comp. on try shutting it sour manually and turning it back on or if you don't want to do that in recent times move your mouse like crazy and if it won't come on I would hail as the help column there should be an info smudge on there website or on the computer somewhere
This is electrical , some piece went wrong, clutch to TV repair not computer repair, or buy a new one if it cost too much.
It may not be compatible near the computer you're using it with. Also, you said you've checked your connections; is the monitor's plug on a blue socket that have a |O| or similar picture around it? It's a common mistake to accidentally put it on the plug that's really an addition slot.

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