Friday, September 17, 2010

My computer monitor keep flashing on anf rotten (see details)?

I be on vacation for a week, and merely returned. My monitor is now flashing stale. Its not really turning off, but the blind keeps going gloom. This is a new computer, and monitor almost two months old. I have it turned off the entire time I be gone. Any ideas on what would be cause this? When I turn the power to it off The monitor will come on for around 2 secs then walk black again.


That's so weird!

My computer eyeshade started doing the same article a few days ago. It's a brand new, few months mature Dell.

I'm using the screen from my hoary computer now, but I phoned Dell and they're replacing it because it's lower than warranty still.

Don't know what caused it though.....
Sounds similar to you may either enjoy a video graphics card issue or monitor problem. You mentioned you left for a week and everything be off? Do you own a power surge? I would check and see if it was surged and fatefully, this can happen even beside the power off. It may enjoy damaged video graphics card or monitor. Take it posterior to where you purchased and ask them to check it out. It is still beneath warranty. Hope that helps!
A word to the clever. If you leave for ANY amount of time, shut down and unplug ALL connections to the outside world.

Replace your surge suppressor every 3 years and take home sure it has a joule rating of al tiniest 2000 joules.
Sounds like a gonner. Time for an upgrade :)

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