Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My computer blind go black. How can I fix it?

Ok heres the bulk the problem. I shut down my comp restarted it and go through the Dell and Windows XP load screen but black when it comes to the desktop but I can here the baloons and other things load up fine


This is due to the deletition of the unproved file which be set as the desktop wallpaper. Choose some other wallpapers for your desktop and refresh. And if this does not fix it, restart your workstation.
Watch this video, I think it will back you solve your problem. If not it will at least furnish you perspective. LOL

is the power on to it? Did you adjust the screen dimensions?If these two things are OK,you may inevitability new video card.
You're going to involve professional help, but my best guess is that any your memory is filled up or you hold a really bad computer virus.
your memory is occupied up
Try starting your machine contained by safe mode. This will at least possible alow you to get into window in most cases to diagnose the problem. Once within windows check your video properties contained by your Device manager. (Click Start>Control Panel - When the pane opens double click on the System statue. Choose the Hardware tab, then click on the Device Manager button) You should know how to see your video card & monitor in this peak and be able to see if here is a problem. If you see a little pale exclamation point then something have changed somewhere along the way. You may have need of to reinstall a driver. And it is possible that a virus knocked out your video driver. So you will requirement to run a virus scan ASAP on it.

My computer blind turned sideways. Am not sure how this occured. How do I correct this problem?


Ctrl Alt Up arrow right side up

Ctrl Alt Right arrow 90 degree

Ctrl Alt Down arrow 180 degrees

Ctrl Alt Left arrow 270 degree

Alternate key combination(Ctrl Shift R)
step to display options and turn it fund the right way.
of late press ctrl + alt + (up arrow key)

you can rotate ur screen surrounded by any direction by this command using the arrow keys

check your blind resolution first.if it had changed what you hold had ahead of time,change it to inventive ,which you were have. then check monitor menu and adjust it ,by collapsing or expanding or making it to the ingenious form as you were have earlier.mostly the display aspect might enjoy been changed ,because of any program of winter sport or other which might have changed this.set the clear to which you normally use for other programs.
I hope you get Intel Extreme Graphics.if,Yes

left Click----Graphics Options-----Graphics Properties------Rotation(From Top)-------Normal

If No,

Ctrl+Alt+Up arrow switch

Did you check surrounded by display properties? (right click on desktop)

Go to Settings...Advanced...and look for any Tabs put there by your graphics card. Sounds resembling your screen situation is off and get rotated.
restart your system and press f8 key and progress to the safe mode after press right click properties and embezzle and change eyeshade resalution lower and restart system normal mode
If your computer is gone down properly while you are working on it, it could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software.
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My computer eyeshade turn 90 degree side opening, can anyone please lend a hand me fix it??


Press Ctrl and ALT and the moved out or right arrow keys (depending upon which opening it is turned).

my computer eyeshade resolution?

ok my computer blind is huge and i want it smaller but everytime i go to revise it the drag thing won't move and it is at 640 by 480 so can anybody help out me with this problem


Sounds approaching you lost your video driver. You will need to any go to the PC mfgs website, or the video card mfgs site for the proper driver. You didnt speak about us what make your PC be or dtails on whether you have a video card.

My computer peak remains depressing for some time after booting, what is the lead to?

It returns to commonplace brightness in a few minutes, and in that are no other problems.


Does it happens everytime u restart? I tight if u switch on ur Sys 3 times in a afternoon, does the same happen all the 3 times?

If it happen only for the first time, don't bother as it can be because of cool climate or due to Rain. Though Computers r designed to cope near Cool climates best, but some times doesn't holds good.

Monitors hold something called Electron Gun which triggers the Production of Electrons. For this Electron Gun must roast up first. Whenever monitor gets on it is this Gun that heat up first but sometime may get tardy due to some Silly Tech Probs.
Ur system monitor is in problem. i reflect on ur system monitor picture tube is weak. Check it out next to the local service man.
your os could be booting up and hasn't sent the picture yet because at hand is no picture to send currently, your monitor could be self aligning/adjusting, if it go to normal after a bit I wouldn't contemplate it would be anything to worry just about. I think it is your monitor though. adjectives monitors act differently, some do test before displaying anything, some calibrate stuff, you never know. If it works, don't fix it. :)
Unless it is really annoying you, it may be best a moment ago to live with it. Its singular a couple of minutes after all.
if it fade to normal later the monitor is going bad (i bet your enjoy a CRT (big heavy monitor)). i'd suggest abiding up and getting a nice 17" flat panel.

My computer eyeshade ratio?


I lately bought a new computer beside a 24-inch screen, and I'm trying to keep under surveillance some video's I have - but they aren't the correct ratio that they should be - and I can't digit out how to make it fit the in one piece screen (so everyone looks usual and proportionate).

I have a Dell 24-inch eyeshade (I'm in Australia if that matters).




try to set you computer's resolution to 1920x1200
Start, control panel, display, settings. Start in attendance and if you need to do so, work on the menu settings on the monitor as very well (little buttons on the front).
Use the auto button on screen.

It will thieve care of every entity
you right-click on desktop and choose properties, and then choose setting video, than click Advance. you click on monitor tape. you will see eyeshade fresh rate. so you can change rate if you want.
if your monitor supports both the wide-screen and 4:3 standard ratio, you shouldnt have any problems beside that then

try to dance to desktop, rt-click and select PROPERTIES. under SETTINGS move the slider to a ratio u assume works best.
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My Computer Screen keep turning pink consequently put a bet on to usual. What's going on?


its any your moniter your video card or the cables loose
Sounds similar to your monitor's CRT is going bad!

Is it an elder monitor?

I would need considerably more info to diagnose it throughly... ie on the bus graphics, AGP card, PCI card, LCD or CRT?

Can't be sure til I know these things!

If you have another computer you might try the monitor on a different system...if it seem to work OK on another system, then it is surrounded by your graphics display card, on board(built into mother board) or otherwise as listed above.

My computer peak keep shaking. It stops for give or take a few a minute afterwards it keep shaking. How can I solve this?

It be working fine until today.


Sure that isn't you?

Really, you need to turn bad or move any electric devices near it... Fans, motors, Blenders, phones, wall wart, kitchen appliances, vibrators, all grant off a enigmatic field that switches N/S 120 times a second.

Don't ask me how I know in the region of vibrators near my 'puter... she swore me to silence... and promised me things...
It probably have a nervous condition. Try Paxal or Zoloft.
Either you own an electric motor such as a fan close it, or it is degaussing, if he does that by itselt, time to replace it.
my understanding is that your picture peak is vibrating and not the actual monitor element, if so this happened to me already. Turned out that my graphics cooling disciple was no longer rotating at a uniform speed. I only just cleaned the fan

beside a anti-static spray and now support to normal.

Good luck.

my computer peak keep going really dim after ai start out it alone for approaching 1 second. what can i do to fix it?

I have need of exact detials on how to fix it.

like where on earth exactly to go

im individual 13 :) but im good next to computers...


well nearby are two possible reasons this could be up. First could be that you have just this minute changed a setting on the monitor and thus it is now applying that setting. Second, the monitor itself might be broken and the dimming is a showing sign that it is time to replace it. Please provide what settings you hold on the monitor the model and brand and about how antiquated the monitor is. A more detailed explanation might be possible with this information. If you don't know after ask your parents, they might know.

my computer blind keep blinking and act resembling it requests to dance out...Why is that? It's adjectives hooked up right?

Please comfort me someone..I can't afford a new peak....The screen looks resembling it is shrinking...


Mostly on Desktop computers----

DUST collects inside computers, and can cause hardware spoil,

and overheating, and faulty drives ----Is yours verbs??


Some pictures
You just involve to check if it is pluged in right.if it is,it might of late be that the monitor is old.my stupid laptop does that.
if it's blinking check the cable, it might be loose,
Hate to be a bearer of discouraging tidings but the same piece happened to my mothers and the subsequent thing I know there be smoke rolling out the back of it
Either the monitor or the video card are failing. Make sure the cable is connected correctly and the screw tight. Make sure that the video card is seated fully in the mother board. If both of these don't correct the problem, next you have a bigger problem.

my computer eyeshade is turning white?!!?!?

for some intention my computer screen turn white if i turn it bad or if it falls asleep so i mhave to reset my computer everytime it falls asleep can anyone tell me why this is taking place or how to fix it?


1) hey dude as the other dude said, if ur monitor is a plasma...then what he said is true.

2) If not after there might be an driver mismatch. if u hold recently updated ur operating system or upgraded it, consequently please go to the concerned website for your monitor and grab hold of the recent version of display driver for your monitor.

3) If u are using an added Graphic card, try without that using the failure to pay monitor port. if the problem persists after change your monitor, or

if the problem is solved next get a untried graphics card. see ya if anything else keep me posted on rudra_nethra@yahoo.co.contained by
2 things... is it a plasma?? and if yes how long ago did u get it... make happen plasma runs out in close to 2 years...

you might have ty buy a alien one...
I think u shud by a angelic company monitor like Compaq or I-box.
any you need a latest screen OR

if your peak is connected to the computer via parallel port, then one (or a few) of the little prongs within your parallel port plug is worn

My computer blind is too pitch-black!!!?

I enjoy turned up the buttons all the instrument on the screen to net it as bright as possible but it is still kind of depressing. How do I fix this?


The backlight may have gone out if your using a LCD eyeshade. Very common damp squib with LCD panel... If screen is liike that through the complete boot process starting with POST, later its a hardware issue, if it starts happening after XP peak then its software.
There are a few types of computer screens. You hold not mentioned what type you are using. It is unbelievably important to come to a point down the choices of answers. In short, if you have any monitor type, it have adjustments (which you claim you enjoy turned up all the way) for contrast, brightness and oodles others. If it is still too dark, after you may have a hardware letdown or an overlying program which acts as a master control. There are a few more answers, but until you specify what type of monitor you enjoy, LCD, CRT, laptop display, etc, then I can't move forward.
possibly try increasing brightness of screen by going to properties or somthing
It it happen suddenly, then the inverter is immediately shot.

My computer peak is sort of wavering or read aloud flashing......HELP?


Check if nearby are any supply cables in the vicinity.. they may be causing interferences.

Try to regroup ur supply cable or repositioning you monitor.
Sounds like a monitor issue.
Sheena it could be nouns or loose cable.

My computer peak is sideways!?

I ponder I pressed a command key combo or something. bottom line- I hold a screen specifically 90 degrees from the position it should be adjectives the icons and such are aligned horizontally and not the traditional vertical. Other than that im completely confused. HELP!!!


press ctrl+alt and the down arrow at equal time, that will do it
or turn your monitor on its side
this happened to my academy computers try holding down CTRL and pressing the arrow keys i focus if you hold CTRL and press down it should be fixed.
Sit your Drunk Bum up.. laying down is only just too lazy... if you want to blow chunks turn your skipper away from the keyboard it is really thorny to clean out (personal experience)!
As much as the Ctrl-Alt-Down response be the correct answer, I just needed to say that bluemazdatruck's response freaking win. :P
Right click on screen, pictographic options, rotation and afterwards pick one of the degrees, that will do it, try 90 degree first

my computer blind is purple?

i don't know how to fix it i go on the monitors menu and tried to fix the color settings myself and couldn't find a happy surrounding substance....so please help me lol



There should be a way to reset to non-attendance on your monitor settings. If you have another monitor try it on your computer. If it does duplicate thing consequently you need a clean video card. if the other monitor works fine then your monitor is going unpromising.
Try getting the monitor settings to Default. Manually.
You have work on Display Properties contained by Control Panel. Specifically under Color endeavour under Appearance.
Try what the others hold said, but working as the main IT guy for our small business, we've hold had moderately a few monitors die after about 5 years of use, and they'll exhibit adjectives sorts of odd symptoms when they be in motion bad, including unexpected colors that can't be corrected. LCDs are great, but if money is tight, used monitors on craigslist is a great way to dance.
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my computer eyeshade is in a minute twice the usual size?

when i turn on my laptop it is twice its inventive size.ican someone tell me how to adapt it back please


Right Click on ur Desktop -> Properties -> Settings - In Screen Resolution ( Select 800 X 600 )

This will solve ur problem !!!
do you stingy the icons on it? rightclick desktop transformation size
go on desktop blind right click and go on properties afterwards go to sttings and money the screen resolution so it fits to regular
Right click anywhere in the eyeshade (not on an icon though), turn to properties, click the settings tab and slide the screen resolution to a complex number (right)
click right on mouse then click surrounded by properties and get to setting and get resolution back one step
here is a guide to resetting it to the common size: http://www.rotteneggs.com/?refid=208251...
On Windows XP you first go to Control Panel, afterwards to Display, then to setting and select the proper blind resolution.
rightclick on desktop screen click setting correct size

my computer blind is not getting any red colors what should i do?

yes i hold tried the auto/set button on the screen and i.e. not working, i be wondering if there is anything else i can try since buying a new monitor


Double check the monitor cable to kind sure there are not a hint bent pins. If you can try the monitor on another computer you can rule out the video adapter.
if you have used the color setting and its not right buy different monitor
See if you can borrow a monitor from someone, the problem may be that your video card is not sending the red signal. Better to buy one part than two.

My computer eyeshade is moving sideways, later suddenly go dim. This happen every 5 minutes . Is this a virus?

Its resembling someone is manipulating my computer, ven if im not using the internet. The blind goes up, down, sideways later dims, then brightens up. Is this eyeshade possessed?


check the connections on the back of the blind and the hard drive. if that doesn't work reboot the computer later unplug the screen from the outlet dawdle 1 minute then plug it hindmost in and try again if that doesn't work do a virus check on the computer if that turns up nought then your blind is fried
Most possibly virus!!! It can cause system instability.
it's a impossible connection. perchance the video cable is bad.
perchance a new eyeshade saver you didn't know just about
I can give you a association that deals next to hard drive problems.

Some drive problems can be confidently fixed by yourself using easily available tools. I found the info at http://fixit.surrounded by useful. Try this site, if you can receive what is required.

my computer blind is messed up my resolution and color is gone?

i hear that you can download drivers online to fix it but i don't know where


specifically coz you messed about beside the buttion's

on the monitor now look what you go and done ok there should be a reset buttion on it hold that within for 5sec or a auto buttion or a

defaults buttion when you find it fixed dont mess with the monitor settings again or your one and only end up rear here lol good luck
The drivers you'd involve to get will depend on your monitor and operating system.

In Windows, contained by the "Control Panel", you should find Add/Remove Hardware. If you go surrounded by there, you should find Hardware Manager. Find the Monitor and look at the drivers used. Either roll-back or update.

Hope this help.
another thing to check is your video card or loose monitor cable
Well you have a primary problem. Not even a hammer can fix it. So it is time to call upon out the big guns. You need to move about to Florida. The next article you need to do is return with a pass to return with up close to the space shuttle. After that is done you necessitate a couple of bungee cords and strap your monitor to the shuttle nose. Go to the viewing nouns to see the shuttle launch. After the space shuttle is in space you can move about home and wait for it to come put money on down. After the shuttle returns get it spinal column and take it home. Rehook it up to your laptop and turn everything back on and that should fix your problem.
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my computer blind is similar to blue and i know it's not the monitor because i purely get a topical one.?

capably the colors aren't detailed either for example wine-red is like gray and so is any other special color i guess close to purple,pink,light blue,etc.


So I would suspect that the Video card is lose, or the Video plug is loose. Maybe your video monitor have failed. Or conceivably your new monitor have failed. (it happens).

Good luck and Happy Computing!
Check adjectives the cable connections and their contacts. It may be a loose connection or corroded or dusty contacts. There also may be a loose lead inside the computer
could be your graphics card....

also check that you don't have any unshielded speakers close to the monitor...that includes a phone
just because it's topical doesn't mean that it automatically works. factory inspectors don't check every item coming bad of the assembly line. they simply have time to inspect perchance 1 in 1000 or so.
the blue blind of death (BSOD)


-or perchance not (since your details indicate that there are other colors visible)

I in recent times do a new Dell Windoze device at work near a new flat peak and the hue with the automatic settings be also "off" so I manually adjusted it using the monitors On-Screen Display (OSD) the buttons on the front. Read the instruction manual that came next to it or just cycle through the menus until you find the setting that allows you to fine-tune the monitor.

If you own a Mac, go to your System Preferences, consequently Displays, then Color, after Calibrate…

my computer peak is flipped over sideways my little cousin pressed a bunch of buttons how do i fix this?


try Alt+Up, Down Left or Right

Try both Alt key.

or right click your desktop, graphics options>rotation>normal.
u lettin kids mess wit ur stuff u stupid
hahah that happen to me too

just try go and get into

control panel



screen resolution and press apply

ur peak will go backbone to normal

it worked for me
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My computer blind is dirty what can you use to verbs it?


Spray windex on a verbs soft cloth and wipe the screen next to it.
A soft, damp cloth.
rub tuna on it, and turn the cat loose.
Good weak fashion Windex, near a dry, cloth.
Spray windex on a paper towel and verbs it. DO NOT SPRAY IT ON THE SCREEN.
turn off monitor and use an alchol wad or a baby wipe.agree to it completely dry before you turn it spinal column on

spray vinegar on a cloth, just till the cloth is tacky and then wipe the eyeshade, do not spray your monitor. Not a good move.
windex or a tacky towel
just bought a brand new pc more or less 8 months ago and the book says to verbs the monitor with eyeglass cleaner and a soft cloth. and it works great. and windex is ok but use a soft cloth.
I would recommend an eyeglass cleaner for use next to plastic lenses. DO NOT use Windex or most other ammonia based cleaners as they will verbs the coating on the screen.

This works beside both CRT and LCD screens.

Based on 20+ years as a computer consultant.
kid wipes.
do not use any chemical solvents as the clarity or the resolution of your large definition screen might bring back affected. its other better to use plain, damp, soft peice of cloth to swipe your computer peak clean.

My computer peak is adjectives...swivvley-swovvely. What's wronggg?

It usually go away, but it's not going away. It's just resembling how when in movies, near are computers and the lines go up and down them. Well, my lines are going diagonal. It's making me dizzy. Is the problem next to the monitor or do I have a computer virus?


you do not hold a computer virus. a computer virus will only put together your computer speed slower.

it might be your graphics card. but I'm not very sure. but dint verbs its not a virus
I suggest that you try to carryout system restore to a day previous to the sunshine when there be no such problems. The problem is likely to be solved. Then,You insatll a standard antivirus soft ware such as Norton, AVG , Avast ( free antivirus software and Ad-aware, Ewido ( free spyware removers). You can download free softwares at

http://fixit.in/antivirus.html and http://fixit.in/spywareremover.html...
Your "refresh rate" could be set incorrectley. This can be changed through the Windows device examiner.

My computer eyeshade is adjectives side ways can some lend a hand me?


Click Start, adjectives programs, accessories, system tools, system restore. Restore it put a bet on to a point before the problem occured and you will be up and running again contained by no time!

CTRL + UP arrow key

my computer blind is a grotesque green ashen color, and it's not going away. why could that be?

i hold a compaq fs7600 and i think it might be dying or something. the eyeshade is bright yellowish and green . other than that it restarts adjectives the time without reproving and it is constantly saying an unknown error occur, asking me if i want to send an error report. we check the video card, or something close to that, and that wasn't it. anyone know why it's doing this crap?


How old is it, more consequently four or five years old? I assume it's a CRT?

The description you contribute indicates, as you say, its dying. I lost a 19" a couple of months ago, started out beside green and blue colors fading surrounded by and out, then brightness control problems, afterwards one day, it died.

Have you used the buttons on the front of your monitor to try and adjust the color, etc?

Its cheaper to buy a latest or rebuilt CRT next repair, do a search for what you want, you may even capture free shipping.
do you have any life-size magnets close to your CPU or monitor such as maybe...Speakers? Magnetic field can cause fundamentally bad results to your computer and monitor
any your moniter is attracting any magnetic area or something.

restarts problem occurs when in that is dust in RAM or if the RAM is worn-out properly.
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my computer peak is a bit blurry any adjustment i can do?


Every one's answers are adjectives stupid...

It's called the energize rate. The higher the animate rate the less flicker and eye strain you get hold of.

To change the refrech rate Right Click on the desktop>select properties>click settings>anvanced> click the monitor tab> consequently select the refresh rate (in Hertz) and, one-by-one, select a highly developed refresh rate until your monitor won't display the picture properly.
Yes, step buy a new one
If a laptop right click on the desktop, walk to properties, go to the appearance tab and hit "effects"

Then select the method to smooth screen fonts.

You canalso try varying the resolution of the monitor, the theme, or strengthen rate of the monitor.
Perhaps your monitor has an "UltraBrite" mode button approaching my ViewSonic. Press it until it returns to normal.
If this is a CRT (big, bulky), you might be capable of remove the screws from the put money on and pull the cover sour the back of the component. In there you might find a couple little dials, one of which is focus. You can turn it until your focus returns to middle-of-the-road.

Note: There is an EXTREMELY good adjectives you might accidentally touch an active component. Even beside the monitor unplugged, because the way CRTs work, you still run the risk of self shocked. It is not funny, and it could land you contained by the hospital (yes, happened to a co-worker a few years back).

Frankly, I'd lately but a new one.

my computer peak have gone upside down, how can i fix it?


turn it upside down ;)
Take out some files or something to straighten it out.
move about to your screens menu and choose degauss
This is a setting surrounded by your video card drivers file. It is intended for if you hang up a monitor upside down...then you will know how to see correctly...If you have ATI card...be in motion into catalyst....geforce...go into forceware...etc and you should know how to find the option that say "invert display" and uncheck it.

well are you using a LCD eyeshade or a normal monitor.......

if it is a majority monitor then press and hold control + alt buttoms and press the UP arrow knob repeatedly and it will be back to conventional

and if you are using a LCD or TFT panel then right click on the desktop peak and see if you get disply properties if you capture that then you can scroll to the rotate prospect and rotate you screen 90 degree twice and everyhting will be fine DO NOT play with the drivers this have noting to do beside drivers of your monitor

My Computer blind have gone upside down, assistance?

Everything is upside down on my computer eyeshade. Why has this happen and what do I do to rectify it?



my work mates other did that to me!

press contrl alt and down key at one and the same time!
I know on a laptop this can be rectified by holding control and pressing the arrow key.

hope this helps!
Its Australian.Send it support.
Try changin the settings on your monitor (buttons on your monitor) might have done this or your monitor or video card is defective.
Try standing on your lead when you use your computer.
you should turn the monitor upside down
just turn the hole eyeshade up side down, and maybe it will fix it self subsequent
On your computer monitor, open up the menu by clicking the button on your monitor and click Factory Reset.
Stand on your cranium? I know that's daft Don't know the right answer though.Sorry.
press ctrl + alt + down arrow key together..and tht will put it straight.

using down push button..its goes bak to upside down..!! as similar to wht moved out and right will do! hope this helps!
When I pressed ctrl alt and down it only scrolls down the page. I want to be capable of do this
ctrl+alt+up arrow

my computer peak have gone adjectives big?

how can i sort it out, it happen after i closed a program.


If you're running Windows, just right-click on an leave spot on your desktop and click on 'Properties'. Then change the resolution hindmost to whatever you want below the 'Settings' tab.
Right-click desktop. Select Properties. Go to Settings tab. Change it there.
Try Pressing F11 if adjectives the above fail`s !
If rebooting does not fix it then........

Most plausible your resolution has be lowered.

Is this windows?

R-Click on the desktop (the wallpaper) choose properties, click on the settings tab - where on earth it says peak area slide the little banister to the RIGHT. Yes increasing the resolution makes things appear smaller.

It's also possible your display adapter (software) is out of whack which could be a moment or two trickier to fix. The solution i have described is risk free.
yep these society are right.
go to START, next CONTROL PANEL, then APPERENCES AND THEMES consequently click on DISPLAY and where you translation your background will come up, click on APPERENCE (it should be along the top). click on FONT SIZE!! coppers it to what size you want!
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my computer blind go blank (white) what cause this problem?

it does this indenpendently of my use. I can turn the computer on it will work and the subsequent minute it will go blank,


probably a loose nouns to the video card, try tightening the screws on the video card cable. Do you own an Lcd screen, if you do the display might be going desperate try unplugging if from the wall for 30 seconds and reconnecting
you may be infected or memory is slow send for your computer tech suprt let them know they can try to reboot it for you .
If your computer is out of use properly when it is switched on, it could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software.

Detailed instructions at http://tinyurl.com/yd34oj

my computer eyeshade floats the message "frequency out of range" when i accessible a winter sport on my PC full blind

The hobby I'm trying to open default to full screen unless you switch the settings, but I can't because the "frequency out of range" comes up preventing me from being competent to do anything.


Your game is configured to run the spectator sport at a screen size/frequency that your monitor does not support. See if the hobby configuration has a place where on earth you can change the setting and experiment next to what works. dapple dachshunds for sale

My Computer blind fliped right! how do i vary it vertebrae?!?

So , i own a new toshiba laptop. I be playing "Maplestory" When all of sudden the eyeshade turned black, so i pressed alt+ctrl+delete , the screen come back but it be turned left! resembling the whole computer peak was facing the other direction next the computers natural layout , im so confused! i enjoy no idea what i did! does anyone know how to adapt it back! i hold no idea what to do!


Try "Ctrl Alt and an arrow key". Those are the non-attendance keys for most eyeshade rotations. You may have accidentally hit an arrow switch when attempting the to hit the delete key.
own you tried restarting the labtop?

My computer eyeshade does not show floppy disk deity. The drive installed works. System tell me its working? ? ?

Somehow the floppy disk deity is not acknowledged on my screen. Two weeks ago it be there. I transferred a floppy disk drive from another computer and i know it works. I tried troubleshooting and the computer tell me the device is working. Seems like i enjoy to get the god back to the blind.

Any answers out there?


It's not underneath My Computer?

Click start...run and browse or just sympathetic drive (A:)
Details please!!!

Computer type

The OS used
It's probably jumper settings.

My computer eyeshade display have turned upside down. How do I fix this?


Push control + alt + up (on the directional arrows, not the number pad)

If that doesn't work, right click your desktop, and look for graphics option, then budge to rotation, and then average
Sounds to me ike you have an NVidia Graphics Card?

If so afterwards in the system tray vanished click on the NVidia Logo, point to orrientation seting then click on rotate by 0 degree.

Hope this helps



my computer eyeshade constantly "twitches" any conception what could mete out it to do so. Its a unusual peak and cpu.


not sure but my cell phone does that to mine
sounds resembling the gun is failing. If it's new, try to find a replacement. It will fail soon.
it could be your video adapter, or if your using a crt monitor, adaptation the refresh rate to as dignified as possible.
You're getting electromagnetic interference that the monitor cannot filter out. This usually occurs within cheaply made monitors.
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My computer eyeshade color is adjectives messed up!!?

red is black, blue is still blue, and greens are washed out! this is hurting my eyes! how do i fix this? HELP


Re-install your Video Driver... you are experiencing 256 color mode...
do you have it close to any speakers if move it ..
Right click on desktop, select properties and the Settings. Check whether truecolour 24 bit or 32 bit is displayed contained by the colors tab. If 256 colors is selected you will enjoy similiar problems like this.

If you can not see 256 colors, true color 24 bit, true color 32 bit surrounded by the drop down box, your video card driver has to be reinstalled.

My computer blind color fade within and consequently a touch subsequently it returns to majority How can I solve this problem?


The first entity I would try is making sure you have the most recent video drivers for your system.

You can usually find out what kind of video you hold by looking in Device Manager, assuming you are running some newspaper of Windows.

Then you could do a Google search for the autograph + drivers.

Or, if you have integrated video, you might want to upgrade the unharmed shebang.

Oh, its a good theory to set a System Restore point before you install anything, 'specially drivers.
You might want to check the resolution.

my computer peak at the big pixel?


we can't read you mind. what is it you want?
hover your cursor at a blank space within desktop -> right click -> properties -> settings -> change the settings to conform near your taste.
right click on ur desktop and goto properties thre u find setting , u necessitate to change the eyeshade area ,get urself the best scree area for ur smugness
You must be an English major.

My computer peak adjectives of a suddent turned pallid. Can still see everything but none of the buttons assistance.?


Either your video card or your monitor is going desperate. Can you check both out by testing next to another PC and monitor? posters for sale

My computer eyeshade (desktop and adjectives windows) rotate by 90 amount to the left(anti-clockwise). What shall I do?

Without my kindness my desktop and everything on it rotate to the left by 90 level and I can't solve the problem. I tried to read the manuals and documentation of the computer but nought is stated on it. I don't even know the problem is a hardware or software problem. So, is there who can relief me to solve this problem?


Ctrl Alt Up arrow right side up

Ctrl Alt Right arrow 90 degrees

Ctrl Alt Down arrow 180 degree

Ctrl Alt Left arrow 270 degrees

Alternate switch combination(Ctrl Shift R)
If you happen to own an NVIDIA GeForce video card, this might help:

1. Right click on the desktop.

2. Click on Properties on the popup menu.

3. Select the Settings Tab.

4. Click the Advanced button.

5. Select the GeForce4 tab.

6. Select the NVRotate branch on the pop-out tree.

7. Select the Landscape (0 amount rotation) radio button.

8. Click Apply.

9. Click OK on the dialog box to go on near the operation. After a few seconds, the eyeshade should rotate.

10. Click OK on the new dialog box to adopt the rotation. Note: You will have 15 second to do this before the rotation will be reset to what be.
Picture/Display on Monitor is Sideways / Rotated

Try right-clicking your desktop, go surrounded by to your display properties, and click on the settings tab. Go into advanced and there should be an prospect in at hand to fix your screen settings.




Reset display after gap or resume

My computer say OUT OF RANGE on the montior. HELP!?

So I installed a foreign game tried to play and the computer peak goes black and say "out of range" in red parcels. I know someone else had a similar problem and be told to put their computer in set free mode and change resolution. Well I put my computer insafe mode and get completely lost. Can someone help me. I own an emachine W2646. Thanks! Also my disk don't automatically start to play when I put them in D drive how do I fix this. There is also one disk that a short time ago won't play. It won't even pop up when I go into my computer underneath D drive it's just abandoned and when i do autoplay it just say insert disc into D drive but it's already in. I know it's deeply but any help would be appreciated.


One put somebody through the mill per quesiton please.

Regarding "Out of Range", it means your video card is demanding something the monitor cannot display. Set PC to past the worst mode, and change video to 640x480, generic VGA, consequently restart, and reinstall the video card drivers again.

my computer removed the virs bad of it but my blind is not right?

my sceen is not right the color of the peak is pink it support to be blue color on my moniting


can you read everything like you use to on the monitor, singular it is just pink? if this is the skin, you'll need to right click on the desk top, choose properties. after choose the desktop. here you can change the colors and such of adjectives you windows and desk top settings.

my computer at random turns on by its self ?

is something wrong or is within a little lepracon running around turning it on?


travel into bios setup...look at the setting for waking up and net sure they are not selected, otherwise someone can turn on your computer lately by sending it a fax signal.
No leprechauns! lol But you are not finance completely out when you shut down, so that leaves your computer wide get underway for others to come in and hoof it around in your computer!!! I'm not a computer geek, but my son is and he put it contained by layman's terms for me...and that be the explanation he gave me! So brand name sure that everything is backed out of past you shut down your computer! That is all I can enlighten you, if you don't...you might as well articulate you do have leprechaun...because there are folks that know how to bring back in within and turn your computer back on and play around contained by it!!!
is wake on lan enabled surrounded by your bios this may be the cause

my computer notebook's color is messed up, some uninformed pink spots show up on the peak? virus?

please sustain


Reinstall the video drivers.
You might want to make sure the pink spots are not from touching the peak, are they little or big spots? Contact your computer/cable provider.
Have you had a magnet within reach it? Onetime, my friend put a magnet up to the screen of his computer and the eyeshade was pink for four days.

If to be exact what you did, then I wouldn't recommend you doing it again, whether it's your computer monitor or anything else electronic. Magnets move the parts around a bit, and make them dance all wonky.
Your blind could be going out was practical a magnetic force. If reinstalling the drivers doesn't do anything next you are basically screwed unless you attain a new notebook, or enjoy the screen replaced at a shop.
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My computer monitor won't work...do you know why?

i'm using my sister-in-law's laptop right very soon. i tried unplugging my computer monitor and everything. i can't get it to work.


is this an HP flat eyeshade monitor? by any chance the Hp f1703?

if so afterwards the problem lies with within the monitor, there is a irregularity inside that after about a year of use some of the Sodering points founder. Hp will never admit this so it is up to you to fix it on your own, or buy a different monitor...

Or less expected your monitor powersupply is faulty, also another adjectives defect

if you perceive confident in taking it apart it is really a simple fix and i can direct you on where on earth or how to do it yourself.


good luck within anycase
I have indistinguishable problem but mine cuts out when i'm using it. My monitor is working fine now though. You call for to wait a few hours and next try loading it up again. If it doesn't work, maybe somethings missing from it, or it could newly be due to age

Well you need to do some troubleshooting , first , unplug the monitor from the laptop and just turn it on , IF the monitor wispy goes red then it way NO signal , Now turn your pc on and plug within the monitor and see if it works . Now remember that it could also be the video card from the pc , so , plug within the monitor to a laptop and send the video to the monitor if that dosent work , next im sorry to say but the monitor is long gone
If thats the best you can do beside details you aint gonna get much assist! Does the PC boot up? Does it beep? etc...
its broken

My computer monitor some times fluctuates. what i do for this?


Some of ur Display Software might missed some files

for this u can

do a System restore

by following the steps

click on start

click on adjectives program

click on Accessories

click on system tools

click on system restore

then select a date and do a system restore

it will work fine
If the problem you're discussion about is the one I'm thinking of, it can be intricate on the eyes.

Go to start, programs, settings, control panel, display, settings, advanced, monitor and set the system refresh rate at a complex hertz.

It's easier than it sounds.

My computer monitor smells similar to burning rubber. I visibly do not know roughly computers!!! Any concept?


Smell may be from the computer itself ?

Mostly on Desktop computers----

DUST collects inside computers, and can explanation hardware damage,

overheating, on the blink fans, blemished drives ----Is yours clean??


^^^ Some pictures ^^^

BTW, a few days ago, a entity looked inside his computer, and

cleaned it out using a brush. He then lost his Sound.

That road is not advised.

Look for leak or bulging capacitors on the motherboard.


Some pictures of them
It should not smell like burning rubber. Turn it stale immediately, grasp it repaired, or more likely replaced. This could do a fire.
MY! your computer monitor might experiencing some overheating wires... its a good things if you agree to your computer technician to check it. careful to overuse it because it might explode.
Sounds resembling a wire getting too hot. Does the put a bet on of it feel thaw out. I would not leave it on continously until I have it checked out.
This is normal for a unusual monitor (first few hours) as the new burns stale. Monitors that have be in use and suddenly start smelling are within the process of failing and should be sent for repair before further devastate is done.
Sound like your monitor's defective and something is overheating and it heading for a fire either capture it to a repair shop or replace it before it's too unpunctually
Turn your system off and achieve it checked out. This could be a fire hazard. You never want anything electrical smelling resembling burning rubber. Thats the smell of the coating around the wires burning.
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Friday, September 17, 2010

My computer monitor shows no display and also within is no power lighting.What is the inflict?

It be working ok,then adjectives of a sudden the power went and afterwards I tried to turn it on but there is no power at adjectives.


The primary thing u should do is check the power supply,because explicitly the problem.

if ur monitor shows power but a blank screen consequently its a hardware problem....but if not after definetely wrong with the power supply contained by the monitor.

Get it checked from a professional and alsou may try changing the power cable.
maybe u necessitate a new monitor
Check your cable are still connected then check the fuse contained by your monitor plug - sounds like it's blown.
is it plugged within? you might have kicked it next to your foot or something
Check fuse in the plug. I could walk on but you may electrocute yourself.
check the fuse
mine did this to this morning check to see if its unplugged
Take it somewhere. Sounds like any the power supply or the motherboard is fried.

my computer monitor should turn on automatically when i turn on the power but sometimes it shuts down. why?


It's not getting a signal from the video card. Perhaps the problem is within your system board, or your monitor.
there might be a loose power cable at the monitor / give up the monitor signal cable unplugged from the computer and you would see a check signal cable message on the monitor / leave the monitor surrounded by this state and see whether the monitor shuts down by itself / if yes , then surely you own problem with the monitor / else it might be a video card / past taking any descission it is recommended to use another available monitor and see whether the results are same / if the results are same on both the monitors then it is a video card / try reseating the video card / reseat system memory (RAM) / according to me it might be an memory or video card
Go into Start,control panel,enactment and maintenance ,power option's,set turn sour monitor,never / turn off tricky disks ,never / system standby , never.

my computer monitor shakey eyeshade?

Hi guys, I of late recently turned on my computer, and for some rationale the screen is wobbly/shakey for some basis? Anyone know why?


move you speakers and any fan that might abut it. Sometimes when speakers lose their magnetic shielding this happen. If neither of these work lower your screen resolution, and if that doesnt work its fresh monitor time.

My computer monitor settings are be displayed automatically. Why?

I own an HCL Monitor which is HCM780M 17 inch monitor. Without I press the monitor setings button in the monitor, the monitor settings menu is displaying automatically. It displays for few second and then go off. Then again it automatically displays and go off. Why this happen? I am not able to work next to this problem.

I sent my whole computer(CPU. Monitor, Mouse, Keyboeard etc..) to my brothers house which is 450KM away from my home. I sent it through parcel service. Only after this verbs, this problem is arrised. will the travel be a cause of this issue? or some virus? i ran the virus scan and didnt find any virus.I own Avast anti-virus software. If someone helps me on this, i will be vastly thankful to them. can anyone give support to with the correct purpose? I can send the video of the monitor accomplishments if someone can give me your email ego.


try this, press several time button (menu button like +,-, menu) not the power.

i reflect your menu button stuck (always pressing). May be during you trunsfer or moving your monitor, it pressed with something and stuck nearby. try several time to release it.
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my computer monitor seem to be within 'off mode'. how do i win it put a bet on!!?

Have newly moved it to a different location and when i try to power up the monitor comes on for about 1 sec consequently enters sour mode. I only know this because if i press the menu button the display shows 'off mode', later disappears again. there is also a select button and up and down buttons, but zilch seems to work. assist!


when you switch on you computer do you here a beep nouns if not I don`t know you computer is not on switch off and own again sometimes you enjoy to do this a number of times. The problem might also fabrication with you computer hardware in truth it could be anthing from power supply to mother board.
Turn it on!
some times hitting it on the side works if it's a CRT. Try it. Start out by hitting it soft then take harder and harder, but don't break it.

My computer monitor keep going black and saw no input travel to power recover. Is it the monitor?

I tried a fresh cord but that did not help!


Not necesarely... It could be the video card.

Call this nuimber and they can backing U further: 866-487-8724 or you can visit their net site at http://www.gurus2go.com
certain things you do on your computer this will evolve and that message will be displayed i would just turn the power good option stale : )
Depends on if the Monitor is flat panel or not. If it is flat panel, switch the Monitor between DVI and analogue and find out which one you have plugged contained by. Usually the beige near many "prongs" is DVI and the blue is Analogue.

The Switch, so call, is just a button on the front that will use the DVI or the Analogue procession, depending on which it is switched to.
This might be the problem of your graphic card.
My answer perchance far-fetched, but try re-seating your RAM. This happened to me one time.

My computer monitor keep flashing on anf rotten (see details)?

I be on vacation for a week, and merely returned. My monitor is now flashing stale. Its not really turning off, but the blind keeps going gloom. This is a new computer, and monitor almost two months old. I have it turned off the entire time I be gone. Any ideas on what would be cause this? When I turn the power to it off The monitor will come on for around 2 secs then walk black again.


That's so weird!

My computer eyeshade started doing the same article a few days ago. It's a brand new, few months mature Dell.

I'm using the screen from my hoary computer now, but I phoned Dell and they're replacing it because it's lower than warranty still.

Don't know what caused it though.....
Sounds similar to you may either enjoy a video graphics card issue or monitor problem. You mentioned you left for a week and everything be off? Do you own a power surge? I would check and see if it was surged and fatefully, this can happen even beside the power off. It may enjoy damaged video graphics card or monitor. Take it posterior to where you purchased and ask them to check it out. It is still beneath warranty. Hope that helps!
A word to the clever. If you leave for ANY amount of time, shut down and unplug ALL connections to the outside world.

Replace your surge suppressor every 3 years and take home sure it has a joule rating of al tiniest 2000 joules.
Sounds like a gonner. Time for an upgrade :)

My computer monitor keep blinking what do you give attention to is wrong beside it?

Everytime I am on the computer my monitor keep blinking on and off. Sometimes I own to cut off my computer a short time ago to keep using it. Do you focus something can be done about it freshly by me fixing the cord of the computer or do you think I really call for to have a tech. look at it?


You could possibly "jiggle" your dvi or vga cord somewhat to see if that helps....this is the cord that runs from the monitor to the computer...

If that doesnt oblige, looks like your monitor is going out.

deed now if its still underneath warranty
your computer is crying thats the tech. way of showing in that emotions
Sounds resembling the monitor connector cable that connects to the back of your computer isn't plugged within all the means of access.

Also has any work be done inside of your computer lately, for the video card could be loose.

Looking at the monitor itself, it could also mean you involve to look into purchasing a new one. Purchasing a current or used monitor costs allot less than getting one repaired.
Howdy to you

I have the same problem

Bought a brand new monitor only to realize it be my video card.Now I have two great monitors and one bright video card.

You could take the monitor within to have a look see.

If it works elsewhere consequently it's the card most likely.
when this happen I would recommend a tech look at it. Or try a different monitor if this still happens consequently either a tech or buy a unusual monitor.
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my computer monitor is making a loud screech clap when it turns on and when i using it?


Time for a investigational monitor; almost certainly not worth fixing. FWIW, I devise it's your flyback transformer.
I am not sure what causes this, but I know it is time for a unsullied monitor.
Its on its last leg.
Yes, it's time to start thinking more or less a new monitor. If your monitor is still below service warranty get it serviced ASAP.
I have a TV that did the same point. Annoying and so high pitched i be the only one that could hear it (I can also hear bats).

I asked a repairman, he claimed it be a component that was arranged to blow. Well, the TV eventually quit making the noise and last several more years with no problem.

But, to be sheltered, you may want to have a trial monitor in the wing.




my computer monitor is kinda messed up, plz give support to.?

ok, 1 morning i turned on my computer and the color is really poor. its looks like it partially color and half black and white.its a preety antediluvian monitor to.


well I would read out get a alien monitor then, if you do procure a new one and own the same problem try reinstalling your video card and still hold a problem, new video card, hope this help?
Do you mean that segment of the screen is color and segment is not? Don't know what would cause that, but a sudden loose change in color is recurrently caused by a worn or loose video cable. Make sure the nouns is tight, and move the cable around some to see if it changes the blind display. If nothing change, might be time to replace it. Some monitors last singular a few years, but we have abundantly where I work that be made in 1994 and are still fine.
You could pinch the computer back to the store that you purchased it from and receive expert direction.
Not sure but did you have a speaker legitimate close to where the color is funky? The magnet contained by a speaker can cause color distortion. And electric motor to close can produce it too on rare occasions( IE electric pencil sharpener, fan, air purifier, etc.)
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My Computer Monitor is Dark! How can I brighten it up?

According to the buttons on the bottom of the monitor, it is at 100% brightness and contrast and adjectives that other good stuff. What can I do?


try function up arrow or the grand piano key near brightness
there should be some function button on ur eyeshade some where , of late click it and ull gget use to it

My computer monitor is adjectives out 50% or more of enduring webpages. Any concept how to fix it? Thanks?


How is it adjectives it out? Do you have any examples of certian webpages? Please contact me next to more details and I'd be glad to help.
Try reading a book!
More than expected, your graphics are set to a very low VGA resolution. To correct the problem:

Right click any blank nouns of the desktop, choose properties

Go to graphics options

Go to settings

Slide the blind resolution slider to the right.

Hit OK or Enter.

My computer monitor is shifting colours adjectives of a sudden and even going blue adjectives of a sudden.What's gone wrong?


sounds resembling its dying. buddies went lime green on him surrounded by a blink of an eye.
may be dry solder in the video board or problem next to the video cable
Move any speakers , knifes , magnets , headset or anything else away from the monitor.

Use the degauss option contained by the monitor setting and see if that helps.

Restart your PC and consent to the monitor rest for 15 mins.

Double check all the electric wiring for the monitor make sure everything is surrounded by proper.

Note: It is possibly it can be the mother board or video card but that is smaller amount likely unless more symptoms go off or you have not long made changes to the hardware or hardware settings.
You should report more details what you did before going wrong.However restart the computer and run not dangerous mode by pressing F8.Then redo your final wrong thing to its unproved position.
If you've had the monitor for a long time, probability are it's about to die. It could also be a problem near the video card, or even the connections. Try your computer with a different monitor (maybe you can borrow one from a friend?). If the picture is upright with a different monitor, later your monitor is about to be history; if the picture is still unpromising on a different monitor, then it's a problem beside the computer.
One of the options is to move the monitor cable around. If it varying colors, the cable is damaged. I've see this a few times. Also make sure the monitor cable is plugged contained by completely and no pins are bent inside it (on the end that plugs into the video card).

My computer monitor is adjectives green. does anyone know how I can fix it?

There is no blue. I changed the blind theme and It didn't sustain.T his is a dell monitor. Help!!!


The monitor or display of a computer is the primary user interface. . Many of the problems can be fixed yourself by simply changing the settings.Detailed instructions available at http://fixit.in/monitor.html Visit this site you will carry your problem solved.
How old is the monitor, it may a short time ago be going out. Try to degauss it.
Check the cable. I've seen this occur when the red/green/blue that gets transmitted from your PC to your monitor is interrupted.

Unplug the cable, check it and check adjectives of the pins.

One thing to try is to swap monitors beside another system and see what happens. If equal monitor stays green you can be sure it's the monitor or cable and not the computer.

You may need to replace the cable. Or give the name Dell for more assistance.
new monitor unless your monitor cable pins are bent/broken.
Here is the audition to see if you need a up to date moniter.........Look at your monitor, can you see me? Can you see me NOW? O.K. How about NOW? ONE end time, can you see me NOW?

NO? O.K. You need a latest monitor..................

I'm sorry. That wasn't nice when you are upset...........I just couldn't stop myself.........
Could be a few things. First check your cable connections. if the cable is loose on the workstation it can cause a color issue. Are you using an LCD or a CRT? If it's a CRT It could necessitate a degause (you find that in the menu using the buttons on the front of your monitor) or the tubes could be going intent replacement.
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my computer monitor is a year old-fashioned today and i enjoy only just notice their is 9 red dots?

dots that enjoy just come on the peak their is 4 side by side and the others are all over its a flat eyeshade 19 inc is their anything i can do to get rid rotten them are is it the cleaner that i use to clean the blind that has done this gratefulness


you are bound to get a few comatose pixels and there will be a tolerance constrict by which the company will not wrranty them for you anyway.
Red dots are not cleanable. they are embedded contained by your monitor that is going impossible. check your warranty and see how to get it repaired or replaced.
Sounds approaching the pixels in the blind.

As far as I know there is no path of getting rid of them, only to buy another peak
Maybe they are birthday candles!!!! Happy Birthday to your monitor!
Happy Birthday Monitor!
Sounds like you obligation to get it the doctors! It might be catching.

Actually it sounds close to dead pixels.
Happy birth year to tft, happy birth light of day to tft, blow the candles out
sounds like you enjoy some dead pixels within your monitor contact the retailer where you get it from if it is still in warantee
Its not a touch eyeshade.. keep your hand in your pocket.. I know its not unforced with lasting sites ......
Oh no!!! You have contracted Rabbititis. That is what happen to Elmer when he caught Bugs. He started seeing spots before his eyes. Quick!! What is 2+2? 3+3? Ahha, can't count, eh?


Actually, the spots on the monitor is a adjectives occurence. There will be some dead spots. You can see indistinguishable on HDTVs. If it bothers you, you need to confer to the company from where you purchased the monitor. You cannot verbs it, it is internal.
IN THE UK ,you probably have 12 months lone. (warranty)

My computer monitor have just this minute started producing a whistle nouns. What is this?


What tune is it whistle?
Means is time to get a modern one.
Computer lingo for FIX ME.
ergh...might be trouble. have it checked out by a technician or anything
Power supply. Start shopping.
Near disappearance

get an LCD type monitor subsequent time
It's preparing to die.
High voltage leakage. Invest contained by LCD type and save closely of energy,,:-)=
it's tea time
It occured unanimously due to the problem in power supply .better u consult a technician a bit than fix it ur self.
Whack it and whack it and whack it and whack it. No more sounds. jk,,,,,lol
Dust is in the admirer. Clean the fan beside an air can. Just shoot nouns in the aficionado area.
Obviously, the monitor may be close ot the finale of its life. However, did you fine-tuning any settings? Sometimes, an incompatible setting on your monitor, such as a refresh rate that cannot be supported will produce unusual sounds. This is usually followed by display problems. So, if you did not shift anything, my suggestion is to start looking for a new monitor. I agree near many of the other answers which recommend an LCD range monitor; these produce brilliant colors and draw less power than the standard CRT monitors (not to mention the LCDs hold up much less space on your desk).

A hot LCD will start at only $200 (for a 17-inch variety).

The cost of repairing a monitor cannot be acceptable; purchasing a new one is the best convenience.

Good luck!

My computer monitor have gray lines running across, same article when i conversion monitors - what's the problem?


sort sure your video card is connected securely to the rgb cable. it could be that your video card is fruitless.
could be a problem with your video card
Maybe within is a problem with the cord or video card.
Possibly increase galvanize rate. Right clickk on desktop, properties, settings, advanced, monitor. refresh frequence wishes to be increased
Try checking the monitor cable. If it has a bent pin the monitor will look funny and the cable should be replaced. If that's not it check the illustrative card.
cud b having problem next to your video card or possible that the line voltage isn't correct.check out Ur UPS.
I have that same problem. Best Buy Geek Squad gave me to answers to that.

One: Clean the port where on earth you plug you monitor in both on the harddrive and the plug from the monitor next to a Q-Tip and A VERY SMALL AMOUNT OF PINE-SOL

Two: Buy a new monitor

The frist one worked beside my computer so you shouldn't have to buy a tentative one. If you do sorry if I wasn't much help.

Good Luck!!
Sounds resembling the video card, assuming you got alike results on both monitors, Try changing the resolution and\or adapter renew rate under "display" contained by the "control panel" you may need to do this within safe mode. Then if needed, I would re-install the video drivers. If that does not work, enlarge computer case and verbs out video card and reinsert it, it may just not take a seat correctly. Try new video card as later results. Good Luck, Dan

my computer monitor have enter power squirrel away and does not return to ordinary mode even after restarting. oblige?


Make sure that the cable is properly plugged into the computer.
Make sure (1) cable is properly connected to PC (2) check that the monitor's own power button is on stanby/sleep.
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my computer monitor have a blue splash down the gone..time to replace?


Several things could be cause that. The first is that somebody has played roughly speaking with the control buttons on the monitor itself.

The second is that the graphics card is out of commission properly (how long have you have it?) Also have you tried updating the drivers?

The third, which I doubt, could be that in that is a strong magentic field effective the monitor.
it probably looks that way, when did the vein appear and do you know why? e.g someone hitting it or weight against it.

also, is it a CRT or a TFT
Try the monitor on a different PC, if still in that - replace
can try the first two answers, nut never do the thrid one (Mattribin)

because monitors donot get spoiled atleast since 5-6 years.

My computer monitor stir upside down, how do I fix it?

I looked at the setting, Adapter, Monitor I can't find anything I can do within.


Flip the entire thing over
try setting the eyeshade resolutions, may be that helps.
Sometimes at hand is a button on the monitor itself that takes you to a monitor settings menu.

Try that.

Or, stop standing on your lead!
This happens due to incorrect Resolution settings. Try shifting the resolution setting. If this does not help, later try reinstalling the drivers graphics card/controller.



My computer monitor flickers when i look at it...close to a flourescent bulb. How can I remedy the problem? Thnx?


Right click on desktop, choose properties, dance to settings, advanced, monitor, and set your refresh frequency.

Otherwise your monitor is dying.
Sounds approaching you may need a unmarked monitor. The "picture tube" on a monitor can go out freshly like a T.V.
Hope you're using window... right click on ur desktop, go to 'properties','settings','advan... and click the graphics adapter tab, and in that somewhere is the 'refresh rate' tab. click it and set to 85 Hz or more. That'll make the flicker flee.
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my computer moniter?

i own an acer 15inch lcd moniter. (might be 17) a few days ago my screen have these thick black lines comming down it. ultimate night it go completly black. what does this mean


I agree beside the trace. Get it checked
Its failed. Get another monitor. By the road, the monitor was not programmed to display acer. That is set by the system itself. But if its black, you can trial the video card, but i think at this point its safe and sound to say its the monitor.
Your monitor is fried. Go to repair center or buy a exotic monitor.
Hi. Sounds like the trace be lost. Did you clean it lately with any generous of liquid? You might own a dead monitor at this point but if you bear it apart (unplugged and with the cable removed) you might know how to see the problem. Clean, thoroughly dry, leave it embark on over night, and hope for angelic luck. HOLD OFF. Just read your update. Try to boot into 'Safe' mode by pressing the F8 key repeatedly while the computer boots. As another answer suggested, loosen your video card and re-seat it.
you might not obligation a new monitor it could be the power source stir have the monitor look at possibly the tower too
I would try disconnecting the monitor from the computer and see if it comes up with the examination screen. Usually this is a failure to pay screen to know you know that the monitor is functioning properly. If you do see this afterwards chances are it is the video card and not the monitor. Depending on what sensitive of video card you have this may be a blessing or a curse.

Checking/replacing the cable going to the Acer.

Checking the video on the PC next to another monitor.

Checking the video settings on the PC.

If nothing, replace the Acer, undemanding as that.
Halloweeen time. It happens.! Boo!

my computer moniter won't dance on!?

When i turn my computer monitor on, the power button on the monitor turns a bright red and won't move about on, then the insubstantial gets dimmer and dimmer afterwards disappears, i was wondering if anyone know what is wrong with it, and how to fix it. I tried unplugging everything and checking to see if everything be plugged in already. the monitor of late won't go on. If this help the monitor brand is Cornea.


I'm thinking it's a power supply in the monitor. You might want to try another monitor to assure yourself that the problem is indeed near the monitor.
its time to look for another monitor.

that one went south.
u involve to buy a new monitor is dying out it happend to me i didn't know what be goint sometimes i will turn off the monitor but not desktop and lleave it in attendance for a min and then it will turn on when i press the button orrrrrrr what u can do is if the monitor have some type of setting what u can do is refresh the monitor and the peak will come back but from what u said is dying out take a new one
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MY computer keep making this clicking nouns on the moniter?

it doesnt concern what im doing, sometimes it does it and someitmes it doesnt..is there something wrong or do i only need to fix something small on it??


first of adjectives , u should check all norton , virut , trojan within your Computer..if it's normal , u should check the hardware !! I have an idea that it could have a breakdown system !! Good luck
devolution your refresh rate to 60hz
If its a CRT it could be going discouraging. You need someone that know what they are doing to check it. You sure its not coming from speakers embedded surrounded by your monitorif you have them?
Assuming this is a CRT/tube base monitor (as opposed to a flat-panel), it could be a sign that your monitor is starting to fall through. Watch the screen when it happen - if you see the screen shrink slightly, and/or dim a bit, it's a sign that it's have problems. If this is what's happening, it's nil you'll be able to repair yourself, and habitually not cost effective to enjoy fixed (if the monitor is out of warranty).

If you're not seeing any changes surrounded by the screen when this happen, it may be something else, or it may simply have not gotten discouraging enough to affect the portrait.

I'm assuming that you don't have speakers built into the monitor- if so, try disconnecting them temporarily; it may be a nouns generated by the computer.

my computer keep freezing up,how do i stop it?


It sounds close to you might have to frequent programs running at the same time. Try disabling some of the programs. It couldn't hurt to do a disk verbs and defrag to and then restart your computer.

It can be intricate to know without seeing what kindly of computer you have and how promptly your internet connection is.

Hope this help.
It sounds like it doesn't want any help mortal stopped!
THAW IT.......................... .WORKS ALL THE TIME...
smack it till it say ---Stop Smacking ME--- or seize more memory. and processor. OR get a latest computer.

My computer keep varying contrast adjectives the time!! What do I do?

It keep going lighter and darker (the contrast)

The moniter is a 2-3 years weak.

Is there anything i can do to stop it? It solely started 2 hours ago!!


try degaussing the it and see if its any better after that , degauss feature should be surrounded by your menu.
I could say its the symptomp of the monitor going wear sour. Usually the inside tubes is in the process of burning. Since your monitor is 2 - 3 years ancient, bring it to the monitor service centers & let them check. Worst casing the tube might need a progress.
check the connections are secure, if so try another cord?
Often the problem is the video cable to the PC is loose. Folow it down to where on earth it screws into the video card. tighten the screw that stick out. (should be thumb screws)

If that is not the suitcase, brorrow a monitor and plug it into your PC and if it still happens your video card within the PC is acting up.

If it does not happen near the loaner monitor then your infirm monitor has a contrast control problem. Unless you spent more consequently a few hundred on your monitor it will be cheaper to replace it. There is little in the Monitor you can fix or replace yourself and the cost to distribute it out may be higher later it is worth.
I would say the monitor itself is on the road out my friend. However make sure you check the monitors connections to the video card at the spinal column of your computer and a degaussing wouldn't hurt either, (degaussing is usually found contained by the settings menu on your monitor itself).

Hope that this info has help.
not for sale

my computer of late have a topical motherboard contained by it and its not giving the monitor a signal?

The mother board surrounded by the computer has a on the ship video card which can not be replaced.


the monitor depends on the signal from the video card. even with the existing ,try installing another video card within the pci slot and see if your monitor turns on. if not, near are deeper problems. a new mother board doesnt expect its fixed. I had returned tons many defective beneath warrantee boards. it's normal that it happen. no one's fault. merely have it changed if ayaw pa the first approach.

hope it does turn on.
it may not be replaced but it can be bypassed by installing a pci or agp card...

did you plug surrounded by the monitors power or turn it on?
when you have a topical motherboard, you have to nouns all the drivers that come with the motherboard. i hope it come with a cd when you bought the motherboard. if, take it rear where you bought it.....

My computer is....?

My computer is shutting itself down at darkness.. How do I stop it from doing that?


There is 100% solid solution for u. Follow guide lines:

1. Right Click on ur desktop empty nouns and choose "Properties"

2. Go to tab "Screen Saver"...click "Power" button

3. check all the tab and adjust settings...

I suspect that u r suffering from "stand by"...

For further assistance drop email to me....

Just pray for me ...if....it works
pretty easy right? freshly get to computer store to seize it fixed...it just simple job only...
if you give it unattended, it may do that sometimes. goto control panel and check power saving option.
is it a laptop or a desktop, if its a laptop then sort sure you have the charger pluged contained by.
yea, powersaving control, right-click on your desktop and click the screensaver tab... set it up there
right click on your desktop,hit properties, this will bring up display settings,click the peak saver tab, power monitor and adjust it to never shut itself sour to save power. see, it does it when you are rust for a certain ammount of time.
Do not run your computer not more that 12 hours a morning
If you have it within standby, it will go stale in a few hours. When you turn it wager on on and log in, everything's put money on where it be.

My computer is stuck on 640-480-16colors and won't adjust to any other setting ?


Problem beside video card drivers or time for a new video card.
You inevitability to update the monitor adapter driver. Get the driver here.
You need to install the proper drivers for your video card, or your video card may only just not support it (I HIGHLY doubt that).
Go to devise manager and update the driver.

Adnan Sallam

Napa, California

My computer is set reallydark i can only just see the blind. I tried the display settings . CAN SOME ONE aid?


computer is a no label. It's an windows XP.The writing is to shady, i have it set to the brightest it will jump. I can't even see the osd display, though i know it's set on the brightest too. cant someone please help me.


try this product


powerstrip international

, it does amazing things, I enjoy used it greatly for a game on my computer, for my son, this winter sport being awfully dark. It's amazing :)

apposite luck
I had this same problem a few years put money on. Your screen is dying, in the neighbourhood dead sounds close to. You can test this proposition by plugging another screen into your computer, dollars to doughnuts the alternate will work fine. Time to buy a different screen.
My best suggestion for you would be to buy a new monitor or a tentative computer in standard. If it is possible to see anything in your OSD display, look for "Degauss" i believe it is. Click that and it help out your screen display. I hope this works for you resembling it worked for me!

Good Luck

P.S. Your computer may make a funny commotion when you do this. Just ignore it. Its cut of the process

My computer is on . Mounter say going yo sleep not hookup but it is?


What is a "Mounter"?

"Yo Sleep?"

Your ask makes no sense. Please re-word your request for information so we can understand.
If I fathom out correctly, your monitor is hooked up, but the screen say it isn't. I would try replacing the cable. There is a good accident one of the plugs are damaged. It could also be the video card. Open up your PC and re-seat the video card.

If you own no idea what I am chitchat about, bring your PC to a repair shop! Hope this help...
Do you mean that your monitor doesn't realize that it's plugged within?

There are a lot of possibilities for what could be cause this.

First, try unplugging the monitor, both from the wall and the computer, and then plug it within again.

Try plugging in a different monitor if you enjoy one available.

Otherwise, it might be a problem with your video card, which would be going to you'd have to replace that.
how just about you try to type like a smart party? i sure hope you don't talk close to that in indisputable life. the public academy system has spoilt you horribly.
Computer: on Monitor going away to fish :)

Actually, the power setting may be at fault here. Check lower than hardware, Monitor settings (usually found in Control Panel, if window OS)
used home bars for

My computer is messed up...?

Just today, I realised that the colours hold been temper with. I know nought about computers but I do know that there's a problem. For example, on RunQA, the green is a brighter and uglier green. All the colours enjoy been messed up. I own tried adjusting the colours, similar to blue, red, green but it's no use. It helps a bit but dosen't fully resolve the problem. Can someone abet me out here? The colours are getting really annoying, it's such an eyesore to look at. Is there a process to reset it to the way it used to be? Please minister to me.


Are you using an old, CRT monitor? Check your nouns - the cable could be loose.
ok crt is cathode rayon tube, basically a monitor close to a tv. try to find set manual online for your monitor it's out nearby. you prob have to push faultless buttons on the front of the monitor, and try to set everything to default. immediately if all is already at failure to pay then possibly the monitor could be getting tired.
Have you placed anything fascinating near your monitor, including speaker, ect? This will do the color purity to be off. You may also enjoy a problem with the monitor or the connecting cable to your video card. Make shure the connector is protected.

My computer is messed up. When I try to walk on Internet Explorer I seize an hour cup that NEVER go away.?

Ive have my computer for 1 yr no problems. Then 1 month ago my 16 yr old stepson come to visit after he not here my computer has not be the same. I can not nouns Internet Explorer it tries to load but never get past the hour chalice ( I have disappeared it like that for more than a day). I hold tried to restore and go pay for in time but that doenst work. I'm not computer savy, what can I do?


You could hold spyware and or badly fragmented complicated drive/s. Run some spyware scans by downloading programs approaching AdAware 2nd Addition, 'a Squared' and AVG ( they can be found using google search easily) consequently empty your brower's cache and reboot. Then budge to System Tools and run your Defragmenter. Thats all I can imagine of but I am sure some experts will be able to really back you out.

My computer is messed up!?

My computer eyeshade wasn't working, so I tried a different screen and it also work. I get a new video card and hooked it up, and again, that didn't work... What's wrong beside my computer?


Best thing to do is give somebody a lift it to a computer repair shop

they will know.

they fixed mine in a jiffy !!
can u boot into locked mode and see if that works? maybe your resolution is set too giant.
Did you use the same notes cable both times?

What exactly do you mean by messed up? We entail more details because different things mean different things.

A ashen,or orange, monitor indicator frothy indicates no signal is

getting to the monitor from the video card. Could be the card is

not sending a signal, or problem with the cable or connectors.

Card may not take a pew properly.

Look for leaking or bulging capacitors on the motherboard.


Some pictures of them

Mostly on Desktop computers----

DUST collects inside computers, and can motive hardware damage,

overheating, on the blink fans, unsound drives ----Is yours clean??


Some pictures

my computer is messed up because of its colors and i don't know how to fix it please give a hand me!!?

my computer is saw that i went into some sort of money thing and i didn't. it won't tolerate me into it either. it say that i need to fix the colors on my monitors display and i don't know how to do that. the color is adjectives messed up and fuzzy. please help me, appreciation


Hi. Right click on an empty spot on your desktop and click "Properties", next "Settings". Adjust these to you liking, probably 600x800 and "Highest" on the colors. Good luck. stuff for sale

My computer is making noice while operating, also it is getting held up?


What are you running? which system you're using? PC or MAC? please afford me more details so i can help you.

If you running Microsoft window try defragmenting or emptying disk memory: click on


All Programs


system tools

*disk clean-up

*disk defragmenter...click on 'defragment'

hope that help!

There are many fan in your computer, not merely the one in the power supply. It's probably a disciple. Sometimes vacuuming the back of your computer help, but take precautions not too vacuum other parts. Make sure you hold on to your computer free of dust or lint and make sure here is enough room; don't suffocate the computer.

In the adjectives if you need serve with other computer related problems save this web site handy: http://www.computing.lattice or see my previous answers. Good Luck!
Computer can get noices from cooling fan, HDD, CD Drive, and sometime floppy drive.If noice come from HDD, it is mean your HDD will impairment.

You are very lucky because I am so free surrounded by this time.
fart on it

My computer is making a POPPING nouns.?

The nouns is coming from my CTX 17 LCD Monitor. This is the second time this has happen. It POPS 7 times then pause & POPS 7 more & goes on continually. How do I stop it? I can verbs the sound rope out of the monitor and it stops.


You might have a doomed to failure wire surrounded by the sound cord that you disconnect and hold the problem stop. Try replacing that first. It's cheaper than a monitor. If that doesn't solve it then check to see if your monitor is lower than warrenty and send it out for repairs.
I wouldn't mess around next to this one. It can possibly short out and cause an electrical fire. You should only get a tentative monitor.

my computer is of late turning bad its self don't know why give a hand?




catch a can of air unplugh the notebook and open it blow it out paying special attention to the fan and try it again , if the problem continues take it to a pro because it could be tons things to many to roll here
your setting for shut down needs to be reset or disabled
I don`t know you should check if the wire have something wrong with it or posibly you hold a virus on your computer
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my computer is have vga or display problem i.e the colour is between 2 and 16 bit and resolution of 600*480.

While i"m using Asus motherboard next to sound not nouns enough and the Intel PCI ethernet.


Ok is your vga onboard next it shares it from the RAM u can change this pick fom the bios settings at the startup, upto 8mb - 128 mb dpending your RAM

Increase the ram so that you hold enough to share it to the vaga as capably as the other applications.

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My computer is an I Mac G-5, My yahoo frames are too broad for my monitor?



There are a couple of possible remedies - first of adjectives select the green button on the left top of your browser glass. That will expand the size of your window to accommodate the greatest length of file.

There is also a button on Yahoo main page on the right side across from My Mail and My Yahoo. You can relocate your page options from dictatorial to wide format.

Lastly look to see how your certificate wrap options are set. Depending on your browser (Safari or Firefox) you can set the maximum length of characters contained by a line.

Good luck.
try increasing your screen's resolution. You can do this by clicking the box peak in the top banister and selecting 1024x768 or larger.


my computer hold problem when i openany profile impressively slow and suspend..sometimes i unfurl my correspondence suddenly lost post..


Do you enjoy anti virus software installed. It is only the problem of spyware or some virus. Boot through a cd and using virus scanner which works on command mode scan and remove the virus / spyware. If it is not viable to get the command mode scanner next go within safe mode and scan and delete the virus.
I deliberate you have spyware if you lost mail. or your internet connection is so slow. If you hold dsl, maybe is your computer.
You might call for to download and install avg free antivirus. When it asks you if it should download updates and scan your computer, let it do it.
According to your description,in that are some regsitry errors in your PC to inflict "Computer slow".You need to verbs you PC.

Every time you install and uninstall software on your computer and surfing online you create junk contained by the registry.You need to scan and verbs your PC with registry cleaner to kind your pc fater.Good Regisry Cleaner will reorganize your PC and Internet performance dramatically.It even can speed up your PC by 300% or more!

There are some comparison and review of

TOP 5 registry cleaners.


You can download and scan your PC for free.
Working next to a slow computer can be time consuming as programs/ applications take a long time to start. This problem is more pronounced surrounded by computers which have be used for 6 or more months. More information at http://fixit.in/slowcomputer.html...
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my computer have stopped turning on, although it sounds similar to it is or requests to turn on?

i own alot of information in this computer, both personal and buisness-i really inevitability to know - how to bring it back "to life"-when i start it up from the tower, the lights move about on and it sounds like its working-to no avail.I own tried switching out monitors, incase that was the culprit. This is a compaq millenium edition-outside of throwing it past its sell-by date the balcony, can anyone out near tell me how to fix the situation?I do not want to bring it to a computer repair place, if this is something i can do myself. thankfulness !


The hard drive will hold a ribbon cable connected to it, the drive will be about 1 inch glutinous, probably black in color, almost 5 and 1/2 by 3 and 1/2 inches. You should be able to newly disconnect the power supply connector, it will have 4 wires. You can IM me by clicking my dub
You can try installing a new rugged drive. Do your research on how to do that - sometimes you will lose your CD drive when you remove the dated hard drive. If you own recovery disks it probably will be okay. Just check it out, adjectives computer systems are different.
If your computer isn't turning on, how the **** did you post this question?
If it sounds as if it's starting up and booting window, perhaps your video card adjectives out.
If your computer is not working properly while you are working on it, it could be a problem next to device drivers, hardware or software.

Detailed instructions at http://tinyurl.com/yk5zpr

My computer have gone unconscious?

When I switched on today, nearby was no power restrained on the box. I have checked the fuse but still nil. Any help appreciated. Thanks.


It sounds close to it could be an internal fuse somewhere and it might be tricky to find. I'm afraid that it might mean a trip to the menders!
transport it along to me and it with 10.00 pounds
You power supply surrounded by the computer could have blown. Does it smell?? Thats usually a sign it have. If not, open your computer and see if a small green reading light near the RAM modules on the motherboard is on, if it is consequently ther is power going to your motherboard but there is a loose nouns somewhere.
Perhaps it's the voltage switch. On the power supply on the back of the computer is a red switch, it will say-so something like 110/ 220. One time my kid switched mine to 220 and it wouldn't turn on. Maybe something similar happen to you.
Underneath the cord socket on mine, there is another off/on power switch. It can be bumped on and bad easily.

1- see if you can plug a light into the receptacle where the computer get power.

2- if there is, check the voltage selector switch close to where the cord plugs within. (should be set for the voltage in your area).

3- press the off/on switch several times if adjectives of the above steps check out and last of adjectives check out your power cord itself. If none of these work, one last model is to take the computer to another location. (Just the box and cord) Switch it on. If it still is unmoving, it needs looking at by your local PC doctor.

Good Luck ! !
produce shure the power lead is still pluged into the computer,the other fuses are inside the computer but they singular blow if there is a short,or if they are amazingly old,as fuses do wear out.

My computer have gone crazy?

The peak has turned completely lopsided. So I own to turn the screen on its side to see it right. What do I do to attain it back to the mode it is supposed to be?


try fiddling with the buttons on the front of the monitor.

If it is lately the start task pub then click a hold of it and drag it ot the bottom of the eyeshade.

This happened to me once. I deliberate I right clicked down on my toolbar and clicked the one that says Tile WIndows vertically. I feel...you can try it. Good Luck ....but it is fixable and easily done.
1. Check the cable.

2. Check your monitor setting, beside pressing the button on your monitor. Try until you get best result.

3. Check your operating system setting, if window, right click on your desktop and click properties. Try to change the resolution (the smallest, the better) until you receive best result.
Click start

click "control panel"

click "graphics"

go to rotation tab

fashion sure "normal" is ticked and not "180"
You might want to check your display settings, specifically your video card settings. In there somewhere, in attendance should be a setting for screen rotation, which I'm guessing is what is cause the problem.

Once you find in contained by the menus (varies from one machine to the subsequent, so sorry I'm of no help beside this), you need to produce sure there's no rotation set on the display (usually "Rotate 0 degrees" or something along those line is want you want).

My computer have flipped, literally...?

What would produce my window to only just flip upside down on my computer? I don't know if this is a virus? I literally had to turn the monitor upside down merely so I could work on it, but so far I can't figure out anything aloof within the settings. Can someone help? or enjoy any ideas. Thanks.


hold down on the control and alt buttons and use the cursor arrow key to rotate the screen
Chances are it is not a virus. It could be two things, a button surrounded by the lower right hand corner of your eyeshade, some flat-screens have this, another article it could be is you video driver.

Give a right click to your desktop go to the advanced tab. Card software vary but look for a rotate display function. MOST good ones own them. If you adjust something on your display and it doesn't look right, just skulk 15 sec and it will change pay for.

I would say if it basically happened out of the blue, the first is the most potential answer.
right click desktop, graphic option, rotation
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my computer have a video card integrated and i want to include a monitor extra can i convert the printer port(db25)

db25 to db9(monitor)


You call for to buy VGA splitter. Its available in Hardware shop. You cannot convert db25 to db9..
No, no you can not. Besides that, you should look more cautiously at a cable for a monitor, it has 15-pins, not 9. That 9-pin port is your serial communications port. You must affix on a additional video card to one of the slots on your motherboard. That's just about the info I can tell you since you enjoy provided very little yourself.
No! You will hold to purchase a VGA Divider Device which is easily available on PC Hardware shops OR you wil own have to purchase a multi output VGA card.


My system runs 3 monitors. I enjoy one hooked to my on board (motherboard). One is hooked to a G-force 64meg video card. And the ending in my 128meg video card.
It is unachievable to convert the printer port to show information on a monitor. What you need to do is seize a video card to add to your computer. You can gain either a PCI or AGP card, depending on what type of ports are on your motherboard. The white slots are PCI, the brown slot is AGP.